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Book Recommendations

What authors are on my shelf?

There are many books on my bookshelf. They have accumulated over a long period of time and in many respects they reflect my own personal spiritual journey of discovery as I move towards enlightenment. These books stem from various spiritual disciplines, encompass numerous religions and schools of philosophy and some psychology - in which I have shown some interest in during this lifetime. I have approached many of them with great curiosity, discipline and dedication; whilst expending brief interest in others - sufficient to extract some gems.

For the purposes of this website I have included the literature that has been most useful to me in revealing my truth as well as assisting me in recognising and travelling on my spiritual journey towards enlightenment. Because of the nature of such things I will doubtless be adding (or even subtracting) titles as and when I feel the need.

The following have helped me greatly - they may help you too………..

open book on white surface
open book on white surface
opened book on person's lap with gray socks
opened book on person's lap with gray socks
pile of books beside white printer paper and black ballpoint pen
pile of books beside white printer paper and black ballpoint pen
pile of assorted-color books
pile of assorted-color books

The Celestine Prophecy Series:

THE CELESTINE PROPHECY - An Adventure by James Redfield

A Bantam Book Published by Transworld Publishers Ltd. (1993)

A novel which introduces a series of important and relevant insights which offer us some spiritual truths which can help pave the way for humankind’s awakening and enlightenment.


by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne

Published by Warner Books, Inc. (U.S.A.) (1995)

This book helps us grasp and integrate the nine insights of the Celestine Prophecy.

THE TENTH INSIGHT - Holding the vision

by James Redfield

A Bantam Book Published by Transworld Publishers Ltd. (1996)

This book in the series helps us hold the vision and understand that thoughts create our reality.

THE TENTH INSIGHT - An Exponential Guide

by James Redfield & Carol Adrienne

A Bantam Book Published by Transworld Publishers Ltd. (1996)

This hands-on guide was written to help individuals and groups implement the ideas found in The Tenth Insight.


by James Redfield

A Bantam Book Published by Transworld Publishers Ltd. (1999)

This book is in search of the Eleventh Insight which reveals to us that prayer in the form of affirmations and positive energy can empower not only individuals, but whole societies.


A Bantam Book Published by Transworld Publishers Ltd. (2011)

This book in the series brings us up to The Hour of Decision

open book on white surface
open book on white surface

Other Titles:

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

Published by Eden Grove Editions, London (1988)

The Power is Within You by Louise L. Hay

Published by Eden Grove Editions, London (1991)

Life by Louise L. Hay

Published by Hay House, Inc (1995)

Meditations To Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

Published by Eden Grove Editions, London (1995)


Cutting the Ties That Bind by Phyllis Krystal

Published by Sawbridge Enterprises Ltd. (1986)

Cutting More Ties That Bind by Phyllis Krystal

Published by Element Books Ltd. (1990)

Reconnecting The Love Energy by Phyllis Krystal

Published by Samuel Weiser, Inc. (1995)


Who Am I? Why Am I Here? by Patricia Cota-Robles

Published by New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose (2010)


A Little Light on Angels by Diana Cooper

Published by Findhorn Press (1996)

A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws by Diana Cooper

Published by Hodder & Stoughton (2000)

2012 and Beyond by Diana Cooper

Published by Findhorn Press (2009)

The Archangel Guide to Ascension by Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

Published by Hay House U.K. Ltd. (2015)

The Golden Future by Diana Cooper

Published by Hay House U.K. Ltd. (2023)


The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary R. Renard

Published and Distributed by Hay House U.K. Ltd. (2004)

Your Immortal Reality by Gary R. Renard

Published and Distributed in the United States by Hay House, Inc. (2006)

Love Has Forgotten No One by Gary R. Renard

Published and Distributed by Hay House U.K. Ltd. (2013)

The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other by Gary R. Renard

Published and Distributed in the United States by Hay House, Inc. (2017)


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Published by Hodder & Stoughton (1999)

Practising the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Published by Hodder & Stoughton(2001)

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Published by Penguin Books (2018)


shallow focus photography of books
shallow focus photography of books

I do hope this book recommendation page transforms your reading experience! I am slowly working through my bookcase and I hope to be adding more titles soon. When further books cross my pathway that I feel a sense of connection to, I will recommend them to you.

stack of six brown hardbound books
stack of six brown hardbound books
