Messages from Divine Source
From time to time I like to write but only from my own perspective of knowing the subject or creating a story. These writings were not of my own creation - they came to me one or two words at a time and I wrote them down just as I heard them.
Trust Your Giant Leap
Trust is your watchword, it is the sign by which you live and the directional path you follow. You must begin to trust in yourself because you are the light of the world at this time.
Every person who is alive now is there for a reason and it is because they have proved their worth in earlier and previous circumstances where truth and dedication to service was required.
You are at a stage now when you are being tested to your limits. You have proved in the past that you can be trusted to do the job and that is why you are here at this time, in this world, that you and many others have created. Steadfastness, courage and the ability to adapt to the circumstances are skills that many who have incarnated possess and for a good reason - because these are the skills that are needed at this time in the world.
You know that time does not actually exist anywhere other than on this planet and that the purpose of it is to realise that it is your consciousness that is creating the world of form that you see, live in and have your being; but if you are to play your part in the lifting up into higher consciousness for this world you are creating, it is important now that you begin to use more of your abilities and those include your ability to transcend the mind that creates thinking and embrace the higher mind which creates all things.
By creating through thinking in the mind you are limiting yourself and everyone on this planet now has the opportunity to embrace the higher mind (or that aspect of God consciousness which creates worlds). It is a huge step for humankind.
The words spoken by astronaut Neil Armstrong when landing on the moon were “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” and was a symbolic statement referring to the giant leaps that humankind are being offered at the moment.
Inspired guidance and inspiration
for everyday living in our world today
Familiarity is safe for you as a human being, it gives you a sense of ability to achieve, it builds your confidence and gives you the permission to go forward and achieve (substituted obtain) that which you desire. One of your earth sayings is practice makes perfect and we understand why you say this because the human condition relies upon discovery, practice and achievement.
This has been a slow process of learning for you because it has been linear, but now you are being given the chance to do things differently by grasping the whole concept of a practice, rather than going through the step by step process.
This new way means you need to work with the different aspects of yourself simultaneously. You may baulk at this suggestion, but as you are now stepping into newer and more refined aspects of yourselves you will find it easier to work in this new way. It is almost like once you learnt or did something one step at a time, while now you are creating the whole concept as one, all together. So how do you do this? By using the higher mind of your consciousness, which has the ability to work in this way.
See it as a manifestation of a thing, event, concept in its entirety, rather than as a step by step process. This is not to say that it will, at first attempt, materialise instantaneously, but with practice you will eventually be able to do this. You will, by then, have circumvented time, because time is what you have needed in the ‘past’ because you have been living in a world where you have only known as expressing time through which to live your life. But now that your consciousness is evolving, you are realising that consciousness is more than you think!
Thinking is the key word here because up until now you have been living your lives through thinking. You have also been living your lives through your emotions and these two ways of being have got you into a lot of trouble. You have been in a vicious circle of your thinking about something which has stirred up your emotions and you have acted from that point in which you have found yourself.
It is the same for positive emotions as well as negative ones - both are forms of energy and energy creates - so this is how you live your lives. This is the energy vehicle you were given to express yourself and create your life on earth. This applies to every living thing from a cell in a blade of grass to a complete life expression of the human being. What a gift we were given by the Omnipresence we call God. This Divine expression is in all of us, it is our totality and religions have only touched briefly upon its magnificence by alluding to “we and the Father are one” or “we have been made in the image of Christ” Jehovah?
Religions are concepts which have arisen around those who have incarnated with the desire to help humankind understand and express this Divine consciousness. However, in their limited human awareness, people have largely misunderstood those teachings or manipulated them to enable control of fellow humans.
At the early dawn of our planet the word of God could only be expressed to humans at the time they were living in and their ability to record such information was limited and relied upon the Divine message to be passed on from person to person (which meant the message was distorted by the human mind). Indigenous tribes were in a better position to share the Divine expression as they used symbols and ceremonies which held the Divine energy in the artefacts and sacred legends and stories which were passed down unadulterated from generation to generation.
Understanding the mind is important here, as it was once a pure mind; but as humans developed their brains, they discovered more about themselves and the world they inhabited and their minds became stronger. A modern analogy to illustrate this concept could be “the tail began to ‘wag’ the dog”.
We have continued to go down this path of mental exploration but have failed to allow the heart to grow too. The heart is just as important as the mind because it is our compass, which alerts us if we stray from our course and allows the dictates of our mind and emotions (which are created by our thinking) to take over.
We refer to ourselves as human beings and throughout our vast history we have embraced our human-ness but have neglected our being-ness. So what do we mean by our being-ness?
Throughout our world we are known collectively as a human being (no matter what the translation is). To understand our being-ness we have to also understand what we are as humans. We are primarily an expression of consciousness which shows up in the physical world of form as a human. The consciousness that we are is part of the great consciousness which creates our worlds (the cosmos and all that it contains). As humans we have collectively given it the label of God.
Everything and everyone who has been and is still being, is a part of this consciousness which is pure and Divine. It is only our self-inflicted unconsciousness that has created our world of ‘less than’.
We do not have to accept this concept and can change it within our individual self by deciding to awaken from the dream we have all created individually and collectively.
For aeons of time, individuals and groups have attempted this and many have been successful and have chosen to re-visit the ‘dream of life’ in an attempt to get us to awaken from our unconscious knowing. All the great seers and inspirational teachers have done this because by reaching such a level of love and understanding (which is God’s nature) they have felt the need to pass on the love through helping us to awaken. To a great extent they have been successful but we have been mis-guided by energies that have not fully awakened or that felt threatened by such a gift.
Realising that at source we are all eternal can shine light on the concept of death of the human form being the death of the unconscious self. Once we understand that our essence is indestructible we can then begin to accept the idea that we are a transforming element of life - having the ability to re-incarnate and live consciously. We then become a human being in the real sense of the word - living and having our being in pure consciousness.