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Enter Your WORLD WITHIN and Discover Your Hidden Divinity

By asking the fundamental questions about life you will uncover your true power!

Christine - Your Spiritual Tour Guide at WORLD WITHIN

6/2/20233 min read

brown concrete statue of man
brown concrete statue of man

If, like many people, you are struggling to live a prosperous and contented existence, and feel like you are losing your grip on available choices, now might be a good time to start out on the real journey of life and ask yourself some serious questions. This blogging website will be able to point you in the right direction of those answers, for you to discover in your WORLD WITHIN.

I know it sounds crazy to suggest you need to ask questions of yourself when you are really just looking for answers, but we need to discover where our true power lies and we can only do that when we understand our true nature.

So what are the questions we need to ask ourselves?

Before we even begin, don’t get sidetracked into the details of asking about health, wealth and happiness! There is nobody who is going to be able to answer that for you - except maybe yourself! Before even attempting that we really need to ask the BIG QUESTIONS…….


So who are we really? We are not just a human being in a physical body expressing ourselves through our mind, body and personality; we are spiritual beings with access to Divine Consciousness, which we are individually expressing into this world of form which we have created and continue to create for ourselves. However, since our fall from grace, we have almost lost our ability to raise our consciousness to the level of Divinity we once had and have been struggling to reclaim our birthright ever since - but we are changing!

So why are we here on earth? We are here to take back our birthright of realising our Source Divinity and as a result of this “awareness” we can then begin to raise our consciousness so that we are able to live from Divine expression and change our world of form back into the heaven on earth that it was meant to be. For thousands of years seers, mystical teachers, masters, enlightened souls and indigenous tribes have been giving us the message of going within to find the secret of life. However, as the Hindu parable of "Divinity Hidden" beautifully illustrates, we have failed to recognise it.


There is a Hindu legend about a time when all humans were gods, but they abused that divinity. They so abused it that Brahma, the chief god, decided to take it away from them and hide it where they would never find it again.

Where to hide it became the big question. The lesser gods were called into council to consider this question: “Where shall we hide humanity’s divinity?” The council said, “We will bury humanity’s divinity deep in the earth, but Brahma said, “No that will not do; one day they will dig down deep into the earth and will find it.”

Then they said, “We will sink their divinity into the deepest ocean.” Again Brahma replied, “No, not there, for they will learn to dive into the deepest waters, and search the ocean bed and find it.”

Then the lesser gods said, “We will take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there.” But again Brahma replied, “No, for eventually humans will climb every high mountain on earth; they will be sure some day to find it and take it up again.”

Then the lesser gods gave up and concluded, “We do not know where to hide it, for it seems there is no place on the earth or in the sea that humans will not eventually reach.” Then Brahma said, “Here is what we will do with humanity’s divinity. “We will hide it deep down in humans themselves; they will never think to look for it there.”

Ever since then, the legend concludes, humans have been going to and fro throughout the earth, climbing, digging, diving, exploring, and searching for something already within themselves. The divinity within humanity is still the best-kept secret of the ages.


When we begin to understand that our true nature is Divine love and pure Source consciousness, we then discover where our inner power lies. We are here to discover our true nature and to live according to that principle as we access that higher level of consciousness to manifest our lives. However, before we can fully embrace this inner aspect of ourselves we need to contain and eventually eradicate our ego. We will then stop suffering in this world of duality and we do this by learning to master our reality.

So are you ready to go on that journey within and discover the real you and become your authentic self?

This may seem daunting but remember you do not have to do this alone. Our blogs will help you connect to your Higher Self, your I Am Presence, Source - your true WORLD WITHIN which will give you the answers you are seeking and will help you to find your way home.