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It's all Energy - Think about it!

Ask the right questions for the true answers.

Christine - Your Spiritual Tour Guide at WORLD WITHIN

6/4/20234 min read

So have you discovered who you are and why you are here? Let me suggest a few things……….

We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in a human body on earth. We have come from Divine essence and are expressions of that consciousness journeying through this world of form which we have created. We have defined our own bodies as a result of our current level of consciousness and the lessons and experiences we have set ourselves up to learn in order that we can evolve as spiritual beings.

Is that OK for you? Think about it……

With its quantum theory discoveries, modern science has now recognised that everything and everyone is made up of energy that is vibrating at different levels. Think person versus table here (one is an ‘alive’ human and the other is an object) right? Wrong, both are energy!

“Hang on!” I hear you say “I’m not like a table” Quite right too, but as a conscious being you are able to create not only the body you occupy, but everything else you are experiencing here on earth as well, because you are a creator. e.g. Your consciousness has created you and the table.

So where does God and his creations come into all of this?

Here’s the biggie, are you ready for it? God created you in his own image, which is Divine consciousness that creates. You are a part of God and as that part of God you have the same abilities. Think an ocean here and you are a drop of water within the great sea of God.

Initially humans lived in alignment and co-operation with their true Divine essence but then allowed the ego to take them over and ultimately fell from grace. Think fallen angels here.

Ancient doctrines have been describing this journey for centuries, but many of us have failed to understand the message because it was expressed in language we did not fully understand. Think hidden prophecies and ancient text.

Let us remind ourselves where we came from. We came from God consciousness (ONENESS) which is Divine love. By allowing the ego to influence us (in this great experiment of conscious expression) our world has turned into a world of duality. As a particular example, think Garden of Eden analogy here. Moving from a state of innocence (ONENESS) into the world of form by picking an apple (choosing) from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the ego expressed through the thinking mind).

There is no denying that the ‘real’ truth lies within all religions (expressed in their own individual stories). The nature of life is that ‘truth’ can never be permanently erased from our consciousness; however the pure message received directly by specific humans who had ‘religions’ built around those teachings has been adulterated. Think hijacking of the ‘real’ message being used to control (you will end up in hell if you do not believe or follow the rules) rather than give humankind their freedom by letting them know how it really works and how it really is!

Today we cannot dismiss that the information that was interpreted by scholars of the time, coupled with the limited level of understanding of those they sought to teach, allowed learned groups to hold the power to control the populace by threatening them with dire consequences if they failed to obey the teachings; at the same time promising exquisite experiences in paradise if they complied with the rules. Absurdly selling God as Heavenly Love or Hellish Punishment. Think ego here and many of the religions and organisations that were built up around this concept of duality!

Those early messengers of God gave power to the people by way of parables in how to live their lives in the truth of the messages that came from those higher levels of consciousness. However, as a result of humanity falling from grace, greed and power have distorted them.

As humans we know that we are living in physical bodies and understand the concept of vertical and horizontal as well as the idea of living in space and time. We also know we have a mind (not to be confused with the brain, which is a physical organ in our head). Some struggle to believe they are a soul, but many know they are connected at a much deeper level than just the body and mind,

We have progressed and today we not only rely upon listening to our own conscience but can now celebrate that we have reached a time in history when the prediction has come true that when science and spirituality meet together, humankind will start to spiritually evolve even more; as science and modern metaphysics has broken down these mysteries for us, enabling the truth of the matter to be explained in a more understandable form.

Originally we came from Oneness (God or Source or whatever name you choose to place upon it) and are in the process of returning back to that state. Think the out-breath and in-breath of God!

But hang on here don’t let us forget that we are living in a world of duality so let’s stretch ourselves further to consider more seriously this dualism which shows up in our world as love/hate, peace/war - I could go on, you get the idea.

We have only just begun to realise the fact that we actually create our lives through our consciousness but you know the old saying “It’s never too late to learn!”

If you are unhappy you may say, “why on earth would I have chosen to consciously create this life I have?” and you are correct, because if you were in your right mind you would probably choose something different from what you are experiencing now (or maybe not?) Think your choice here.

So in seeking to move beyond the world of duality and connect to oneness we need a real shift in our understanding and this involves us changing our mindset. Think change is only effective if done within. We cannot change our external world until we have changed our WORLD WITHIN.

P.S. Many have only just awakened to the reality of who they really are and in doing so are asking many questions of themselves. Think what questions arise for you. You could always go back to the beginning of this blog and ask yourself Who am I and Why am I here? Your power is in asking those questions and your awakening will come as a result of you discovering the answers.