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Stop Suffering in a World of Duality By Creating Your Own Reality

There is more to us than meets the eye!

Christine - Your Spiritual Tour Guide at WORLD WITHIN

6/3/20234 min read

man in gray long sleeve shirt holding brown wooden stick
man in gray long sleeve shirt holding brown wooden stick


Here on earth we are experiencing life in a world of duality (opposites of hot and cold and love and fear etc.) but we are continually evolving and embracing new aspects of ourselves. As part of that growth we need to understand where we have come from and where we are going as well as realising that there is more to us than meets the eye!

If you have read any of my previous blogs you will know that I share the idea with you that we consciously create our own lives through the higher aspects of ourselves, but this takes perception on our part and awareness of who we really are and what we are capable of. Until we substantially awaken and evolve there will be many moments when we will be unable to remain in that state of awareness and that is when our ego will often step in and take charge. Our ego loves being in command, it regards itself as our saviour and protector and will fight everyone and anything to let us (or maybe it?) be in charge. In the time of the sabre tooth tiger, when humankind had little protection from the elements and wild animals roamed the earth, our flight and fight mode looked after us well enough, but we have evolved and are now moving into a higher aspect of self.

Many people regard themselves as being victims of circumstances and that is true to a point - our point of attraction (whether it be negative or positive) has brought the circumstances to us and although we may vehemently deny ever wanting to experience a negative situation, it is our own consciousness that has brought it about. We may say we have done this inadvertently but this is untrue because everything that manifests in our world has come through our consciousness (we just did not have sufficient awareness at the time to choose an alternative!) The energy that flows through us from Source, God or whatever name you wish to use, is the creative life force consciousness that made you and I and everything in our world of form. That pure energy has come through our individual consciousness and as a result has been delineated into positive or negative manifestation. In a sense it is true that some people have good luck while others struggle and have bad luck, but the only reason that happens is because the consciousness of the person has made it so. There is no such thing as bad luck, only negative conscious application on our part. There is not a man called God up in the sky who judges us and as a result doles out good luck to some and bad luck to others! Consciousness does not favour or discriminate, consciousness just is.

We all experience seemingly unwelcome situations in our lives, when we may not like our circumstances and if we allow ourselves to get caught up in the negativity of the moment the temptation is for us to choose an emotional expressive weapon without thinking of the outcome. However, we need to understand that we always have a choice in the moment and that is the choice of how we choose to feel about the conditions we find ourselves in. Our emotions trigger our actions so choosing to master our emotions puts us in a powerful position. We may not necessarily have an answer to our problem as it arises but we can choose "how to react to any situation as it happens."

The ideal would be to go within and connect with Source/God in the moment of challenge (for it is there that you access your intuition and super power) but sometimes this is easier said than done (especially if our emotional body has been triggered - more about that in a future blog). So if you cannot immediately come up with a solution to the situation, a splendid alternative would be to always choose “how you want to react in the given moment.” There may be moments of shock, fear, frustration, anger, loss, sadness or worry but there is always a choice for you and that choice is how you choose to react with your thoughts, feelings and actions. You see, our power lies in the choices that we make and our ability to use our consciousness to create a positive emotion or at the very least put ourselves in a state of neutrality until we are able to think more clearly. You always have a choice in the moment to choose how to think, feel and act. Your reactive thought and the emotion you create is a demonstration of your power!

So how do we set about understanding and mastering our reality? There really is only one answer and that is to go to our WORLD WITHIN. It is there that we will find the power to master our emotions, thoughts and reactions and by becoming aware of them in this way we start to understand our reality and can then set about managing it in a more positive way.

Sometimes we are protected in serious situations and as a result can freeze or become so shocked that we are unable to think (this can be a type of protection afforded to us in the moment) being "numb with shock" is a phrase we often hear from those who have been exposed to disastrous situations or distressing news. In a life threatening situation of course we may need to act immediately, however, for the purpose of our discussion here, whatever situation we may find ourself in, it is always wise to stop and wait before plunging fully into emotion. Deep and steady breathing is essential here because it helps us to calm down and open up to our WORLD WITHIN. Immersing ourself in nature, prayer, invoking angel help, working with crystal energy or just going within and exploring the silence of the moment will all help us to achieve our connection to Source/God, so if you resonate with any self help practices use them to access your heart centre and your gateway to your God self.

Above all we must remember that life is a wonderful teacher and those challenges that we set ourselves are a means to an end - an end of suffering in a world of form and instead, start to become aware of who we really are, why we are here; as well as understanding the power we really have, when we recognise our authentic self and start to work with it. You see we get to write the curriculum by which we are taught because we are the only authority that can so go now and access that authority in your WORLD WITHIN.