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To Be or Not To Be - The Conscious Expression of Your Real Self

Opening up to the Higher Self and Living Consciously

Christine - Your Spiritual Tour Guide at WORLD WITHIN

6/7/20235 min read

a person holding a book in their hands
a person holding a book in their hands

Once we start to awaken and begin to realise who we truly are, we will very often want to explore and work with the Law of Conscious Attraction.

Before we can work with this Divine Law, however, we will need to consciously connect to that Divine force by focussing on the I Am Presence which is the light of God within.

Once we allow ourself to acknowledge it and then work with it, we will find our life easier to manage. It is there within you (even if you are unaware of it) otherwise you would not be alive and functioning in this physical world. By consciously recognising it and working with it you are taking up your personal power and free will choice to manage your life in a more positive and fulfilling way. You are on the path to becoming a conscious creator of your own world and once you have discovered this you will be leaving behind the life you had on auto-pilot.

Everything in this world of form stems from the energy vibration of love which is the language of the Divine Principle or Source (often referred to as God). However much you feel you are without choices or opportunities and are unable to access the life that you strive for, know that the potential is already there within you in the form of this pure Divine Energy, which you can access yourself directly. You do not have to go through any third party to do so, it is there for you to connect directly to and it is in that deep space within your heart and soul. It is a connection that is yours and yours alone. You would not be in this world living and breathing as you are, and having your being, if this was not a fact of life. It is your true lifeline! You need to recognise this before you can do anything that is truly of your own free will. As you accept it and work with it you can create the life you truly desire.

Sometimes, however we fail to do this and revert back to living life on auto-pilot, being buffeted around by the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” as William Shakespeare once wrote. It is a matter of recognising that your power is within you, but sometimes you are hiding it from your own view, with the clutter you have stored there for many incarnations - much of which will stem from ancestral messages and long held hurts and beliefs that no longer serve you.

There is a lot of historical indoctrination around our true nature and our ability to know God for ourselves and many still associate this aspect of self as being unworthy of such a direct connection. Religion plays no part in it as you do not have to be religious to hear this message and run with it. It is your natural birthright and it is there for your own taking. The only caveat is that you must do it yourself and not rely upon any third party, person or organisation to do it for you. After all you are the only one in your real world that has access to you.

When you open up that great space within yourself, you will recognise the love that is already there - you have just not been able to see and feel it, because you have stuffed too much junk down into yourself. Sometimes we use the general term of negativity to describe this but in fact it can be many things. The hurts and losses we think we have suffered as a result of peoples’ words and actions or the opportunities we think we have missed out on, have all been the result of our beliefs, thoughts and conscious expressions that have not come directly from our God self within.

This great space within all of us is not a void (although initially we may think it is.) It is filled with love, because God knows no vacuum and there can never ever not be love. It can appear in many forms, for that is the nature of love. It is expressed in nature - in the growth upon the planet in terms of the terrain, atmosphere, vegetation and animal and insect life. It is in the atmosphere - the clouds, wind, rain, sunshine, stars and planets and it is within the human being. All of nature recognises the energy of love and happily grows, and evolves from it - it is only humans that suffer.

This is because humankind has taken on a different task and in the great experiment of God has accepted the installation of the ego and this is the challenge, this is the reason why the spirit of every human being has come into form - to master the ego and take them to the next level of Being. You see, it is all about growth and change; and the only thing constant in this world is change!

On waking one morning, I sensed a huge expanse within myself which I had never experienced before. An inner knowing within told me that I had put a limit on my Law of Attraction e.g. manifestations. My initial reaction to this was “Why would I ever do such a thing when I wanted to manifest so much in my life?”

I was told that as humans we had to recognise the Divine energy of our true essence within and use that in a conscious way as the tool by which to live our lives by manifesting on a daily basis. This would then allow us to build a healthy body and mind as well as live an abundant peaceful and fulfilling life.

So what does it mean to use our energy in a conscious way? We are so used to breathing that we never even think about where our next breath is coming from and so we live on autopilot in our physical body.

We just allow our thoughts to flow and as thoughts have an effect upon our emotions, we very often find ourselves driven and affected by them and as a result we live unconsciously in our mind - and this can lead us into all sorts of trouble!

There is a clue too, in the words that describe us as a ‘human being’.

We are striving to become humans that are being conscious of living. In other words, we are striving to become a human expressing our real self (our God essence) and when we do that we have become a human, being our God Self.

The heart is the door to our spiritual nature. We are “beings” that are spiritual (we are spiritual beings that have taken on the world of form so that we can express our true nature through that form.) In other words we can ‘be’ the love and that is why we are called human beings.

We can understand it intellectually with our mind but until we can understand it within our hearts it will not all come together and to do this we must go to our WORLD WITHIN.

William Shakespeare described it so well in Hamlet as he contemplates the pain and unfairness off life: “To be or not to be? Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them…”

To be or not to be - that really is the question for us all to ask ourselves?