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Window on the World

Which window are you choosing? It's horses for courses!

Christine - Your Spiritual Tour Guide at WORLD WITHIN

6/5/20233 min read

white short coated dog in blue window
white short coated dog in blue window

My window on the world may look different from yours and will never be the same as anyone else’s  - so why is this so?

We are energetic beings. In other words we are made up of energy that can be defined by our consciousness. Think free will choice of what you want to create. Will it be something you love or hate? Think clay in your hand here. It is your choice because you are the creator of your thought, your pot and your world.

OK - I hear you call out "I don't have a choice in my current situation" or " I cannot see a way out of this dilemma." and that may be true for you at the current moment, but we always have a choice and that choice is "how we feel about our current situation".

If you love what you have created you probably won't be reading this article! But if you are unhappy about a choice or choices you have made in your life, then accept how you are feeling and go within to your centre of stillness and calm and choose another story. Give yourself time to do this, slow easy breathing (focusing on the breath will help you calm yourself within and allow your mind to stop whirling around over-thinking your situation.) Even if you only manage a brief instant to think of something that makes you smile or feel good, then grab onto it and allow the feeling to grow within you. It really doesn't matter if it is relevant to your problem or not, as long as it makes you smile within or feel a little better for a few seconds. Practice this over and over until you are able to form a positive thought, even if it is just "things are going to turn out all right for me" or "I know I will find a way out of this situation." Don’t push yourself to come up with an answer to your problem straight away - wait for the dust to clear!

You see you have two windows to look out from - the positive and the negative - going deep within yourself to your true WORLD WITHIN will help you make the correct choice.

Practice makes perfect - if we get into the habit of always thinking the worst will happen, then it will, but if we train ourselves to try and always 'look on the bright side' then things will subsequently present themselves to us in a more positive and pleasing way.

As humans we all have a window on the world but as souls we all have a window to another world - which in essence is far more authentic and that is the window to our WORLD WITHIN. We will then be able to discover our real selves and our divine potential, which will enable us to become master creators of our own lives.

So how am I riding the waves and in which direction am I heading? What star am I watching when the sun drops out of view and the skies darken? Am I still steadfast in my control of the boat, am I aware that when the light of the sun dips beyond the horizon and the moon hides behind a cloud that there is still the light of my WORLD WITHIN to guide me?

My window is a portal of energy which I define within my being and depending on my state of mind is moulded into different levels of conscious expression.  My real role in this life is to be in control of my mind, and have my hand on the tiller as I plot my course across the sea of life, which is being presented to me in this world of physical form. Make it yours too